Five years ago, I was pregnant with Maya, our almost big girl, who some of you have had the joy of meeting. At the time, I had just retired from an 8-year career as a restaurant server and decided to jump into real estate full-time. But let’s be honest—I was nine months pregnant with zero experience in the industry. Thankfully, I was blessed with my first listing (shoutout to my sister). So, there I was, closing my first real estate transaction while quite literally giving birth. In that whirlwind moment, I became both a mom and a real estate broker.

Fast forward five years, and here I am—nine months pregnant again. This time, I’m a full-time real estate broker with two buyers under contract, more buyers actively searching, and three listings about to hit the market. When’s my maternity leave? The day the baby arrives. How long will it last? Probably just a few days to rest, recover, and get used to life with a newborn.

I know it sounds a little wild. But life has taught me that plans are fluid—they change whether we like it or not. The best we can do is prepare ourselves for the unexpected. And that ties perfectly into this month’s theme: Wellness & Heart-Centered Living.

When I became a real estate agent five-ish years ago, my goal was clear: I wanted a career where I could work while also being a “stay-at-home mom.” Family has always been the center of my life, and for me, that means serving my clients, too. My clients help provide for my family through their trust and business, and they deserve my full attention. That’s just the balance I strive to maintain.

So, how do I do it all?

I give my best and keep the perspective that inspires me.

For example, I might be sending out Maya’s birthday invitations late, but I’m not stressing over who can or can’t make it—because I know she’ll feel loved and celebrated either way. I’m not worried about losing business; I’m focused on the business I do have. A messy house doesn’t stress me out because we have clean clothes, food to eat, and a roof over our heads. I’m not losing sleep over what other people are doing or what’s happening in the world because I know my power lies in my choices, my perspective, and how I respond to life’s challenges.

And when it comes to giving birth and the inevitable life changes? I trust that all will be well. Life isn’t happening to me—it’s happening for me.

As I mentioned, this month’s theme is Wellness & Heart-Centered Living. I invite you to explore what that looks like for you. Maybe it’s the dream of a house with a white picket fence. Or maybe it’s traveling the world. Perhaps it’s having a baby before finding “the one.” Maybe it’s paying off debt and building wealth. Or discovering a cause or movement that lights you up.

What I’ve learned is this: When I’m clear on my Why—the thing that lives at the center of my heart—I can be, do, and have anything.

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