April Showers Bring May Flowers

From misty mornings to torrential downpours, April had been filled with rain both literally and metaphorically. As a realtor, maintaining a clear boundary between our personal and professional realms can be quite the balancing act. Many of us are drawn to this career for its promise of flexibility, allowing us to cultivate a harmonious blend of personal and work life. Yet, this balance often prompts the question: “How does she manage it all?”

As I share, I am mindful that this editorial is being shared to those who I have known for years, maybe decades to those who may have never actually met me in person. Our motto at Team Ray & Co. is to transform real estate transactions to real experiences. I find that “real experiences” happen when people are being real. So, I am about to get…real real.

Last August, my dad had a tumor removed from his brain and was diagnosed with stage four brain cancer—an aggressive cancer called glioblastoma. As with all families who go through something like this, it’s never easy for anyone involved, especially the person going through it. It’s hard watching the rock in your family cry, while witnessing the people who love him (that you love) grieve in their own way. 

On the professional side of things, I’ve been helping clients who are going through something similar with their parents where mom falls or gets diagnosed with dementia and needs care. Most of my clients are dealing with something more than just selling a house. There is extra care and consideration when it comes to serving my clients. I know this because I’m going through it myself—and luckily, I have people around me that I can go to for resources and support. Without my team—my family, my friends, my colleagues, my referral partners, my dad’s care team—I could not do it. 

As they say, “April showers bring May flowers.” I truly believe that there is always a blessing inside of everything, especially in those cloudy moments when the forecast shows rain today, rain tomorrow, and rain in the foreseeable future. That’s why it’s important to have someone remind you that rainbows only happen after rain. Sometimes that rainbow looks like a family divided coming together. Sometimes a rainbow is being able to help someone else through a similar process. Other times, it’s simply the gratitude that we feel when it’s over—or even while we’re in it. 

Our theme for the month of May is Mental Awareness. My team and I have curated article pieces in hopes that it can help someone through a rough time. But more importantly, we’re here to remind you that our team is here to help, and/or we can connect you to the right person who can. From my experience, there are big hearted people waiting to be of service. 

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